3 Tips To Attract Preppers To Your Retail Business

If you operate a retail business and are looking to bring in more customers, one good way of doing so is by working to attract preppers. Preppers, which are generally people who are stocking up on supplies and striving toward self-sufficiency in case some sort of disaster occurs, can be a great customer base. These are a few tips that can help you bring in these customers.

1. Offer Prepper-Friendly Items

First of all, obviously, you are going to want to offer prepper-friendly items at your retail location if you would like to bring in this type of audience. If you sell food, selling things like parboiled rice and canned, non-perishable goods can be a good option, for example. Gas-powered camping-type supplies are also often popular among this audience, as are various survival tools and personal protection items. By researching the things that preppers often like to stock up on, you can help ensure that you offer these types of products for your customer base. Once your business becomes known as a go-to place for these types of items, you might be surprised by the number of survivalist customers who will come through your doors.

2. Focus on Bulk Sales

In many cases, those who are interested in prepping are interested in stocking up on things in bulk. These aren't usually customers who are looking to buy a week's worth of parboiled rice, for example; instead, they're often looking for months' or years' worth of parboiled rice. Making sure that you offer things in bulk quantities with affordable price tags can be a good way to bring these customers in.

3. Be Understanding

The truth is that a lot of people do not really understand the survivalist mindset. Many people who focus on prepping are accustomed to being mocked and ridiculed by those who do not really think that prepping is important or who think that survivalists are all just being paranoid. If you want to attract survivalists to your retail business to buy their supplies, it's important to ensure that they understand that your business does not have this mindset. Being understanding of the prepper mindset, providing prepper-friendly advertising materials and being willing to listen to what your customers have to say about the steps that they are taking to prepare for anything that might happen can help you create a bit of a "safe space" for these individuals. This can lead them to head to your retail business rather than others when they are stocking up on prepping supplies.
