3 Signs You Should Use Vulcanized O-Rings Vs. Molded O-Rings

When you need O-rings to use with your company's equipment, you might normally depend on molded O-rings. Molded O-rings, which require you to hire someone to make a custom mold that will then be used to make your O-rings, are necessary when using some types of equipment and when performing some types of jobs. However, spliced and vulcanized O-rings, which are made by cutting cord and then bonding it together into a ring that is the appropriate size, may be the better and more useful choice in these situations.

1. You Need O-Rings Fast

First of all, having molded O-rings made for your company can take some time. After all, the company that makes them will first have to make a mold to use to make the O-rings. Then, they will use that mold to make the number of O-rings that you have ordered. A vulcanized O-ring can be made a lot faster in most cases and can therefore be ideal if you do not have much time to wait for the O-rings that you need.

2. You Only Need a Few of the Same Type of O-Rings

If you're going to be having a lot of O-rings made, then you can probably have it done more effectively and cheaper per O-ring if you opt for molded O-rings. If you're only going to be having a few O-rings made, though, or if you need O-rings of all different sizes, then vulcanized O-rings can be better. After all, there is no reason to make an entire mold in most cases just to have one or two O-rings made of each size.

3. The O-Rings Aren't Going to Be Subjected to Heavy Use

Generally, molded O-rings hold up better and are better for heavy use than vulcanized O-rings. If you know that you are going to be using your O-rings with moving parts, for example, you have to worry about them being more prone to stretching, tearing or breaking if they are vulcanized than if they are molded. For short-term applications or for uses where the O-rings won't come in contact with moving parts, though, vulcanized O-rings can be ideal.

Of course, both molded and vulcanized O-rings have their place, and you may eventually find yourself using some of both within your business. In the situations listed above, though, you may choose to skip the molded O-rings and simply use vulcanized O-rings instead.
